St George's Church




Safe Church Policy

This statement was adopted by The Parochial Church Council of St George, Stalybridge at the meeting held on 16th March 2021 and received at the APCM held on 23rd May 2021.

This policy and its implementation has been reviewed and updated by the PCC annually.

As a church community, we are committed to:

  • The care, nurture of and respectful pastoral ministry with all children and adults
  • The safeguarding and protection of all children and adults
  • The establishment of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment, where there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ regarding the dangers of abuse, which:

For children and young people

  • Values them for who they are, and nurtures their positive development
  • Enables them to participate fully and contribute to their church community
  • Protects them from actual or potential harm

For adults who may be at risk, including those suffering domestic abuse:

  • Ensures that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse
  • Encourages those who may be vulnerable
  • To lead as independent a life as possible
  • To choose how to lead their life
  • To be active contributors to the church community
  • Protects those who may be vulnerable from actual or potential harm

For all people

  • Enables and encourages concerns to be raised and responded to openly and consistently
  • Offers support and care for those suffering, or who have suffered, from any form of abuse
  • Promotes respect and the value of each person as a child of God

We are therefore committed to best practice according to the national policies and guidelines of the Church of England, in the protection of children and vulnerable people; in the recruitment, training and supervision of all who exercise a pastoral ministry; and in responding to any allegations or complaints. This policy is reviewed each year by the Parochial Church Council and re-affirmed at the Annual Meeting.

Because we understand that:

  • God has a special care for those who struggle
  • All of us at different periods of our lives are vulnerable and in need of help
  • We can make a difference
Children and Young People

As members of this church, we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all, especially children and young people.

It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.

We recognise that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole Church.

Our church is committed to supporting, resourcing and training those who work with children and young people and to providing supervision.

Our church is committed to following the policy and procedures published by the Diocese.

The parish will adopt good practice guidelines.

Each worker with children and young people must undertake diocesan safeguarding training, know the guidelines and undertake to follow them. 

Each shall be given a copy of the Parish’s agreed procedures and good practice guidelines.

As part of our commitment to children and young people, the PCC has appointed KAREN WATKINS to be the St George’s Safeguarding Co-ordinator


Children and young people are an important part of our Church today.

They have much to give as well as to receive.

We will listen to them.

As we nurture them in worship, learning, and in community life, we will respect the wishes and feelings of children and young people.

The PCC appoints KAREN WATKINS to represent the concerns and views of children and young people at our meetings and to outside bodies.

Adults in the Church

This policy will be reviewed each year to monitor the progress which has been achieved.

We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives.

As members of this parish we commit ourselves to respectful pastoral care for all adults to whom we minister.

We commit ourselves to the safeguarding of people who may be vulnerable, ensuring their well-being in the life of this church.

We commit ourselves to promoting safe practice by those in positions of trust.


The parish commits itself to promoting the inclusion and empowerment of people who may be vulnerable.

It is the responsibility of each of us to prevent the physical, emotional, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse of vulnerable people and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.

We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with people who may be vulnerable.

The parish is committed to supporting, resourcing, training and regularly reviewing those who undertake work amongst people who may be vulnerable.

The parish adopts the guidelines of the Church of England and the Diocese.

Each person who works with vulnerable people will agree to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by this church.

The PCC appoints GILLIAN COTTON to represent the concerns and views of vulnerable people at our meetings and to outside bodies.

Additional information

Diocese of Manchester Safeguarding

Church of England Safeguarding

Click here for St George safeguarding statement and contact details (homepage)


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